The Start Of Something New
That’s what High School Musical left me with — tons of tacky songs I will never forget my twelve-year-old self groovin’ to.
Sigh, I didn’t know how to actually start this thing. An old friend has recently reminded me of how most of us give up before we even start things because we are lazy as FUCK. I wanted to do this since a long time ago because food is the one thing I never hesitate to spend on and the one thing I really seek quality in. The previous sentence is probably an overstatement but, you guys probably get what I mean. I’ve been reading food blogs since I was in Secondary School. These ranged from the old man Ladyironchef (back when I didn’t know or care that it was a guy named Brad posting stuff) to Alex Crumb (I LOVE the way she writes) and so on. Also, my passion for food probably stems from my family’s habits. We have been eating out every Saturday night RELIGIOUSLY ever since I could remember, trying new and old places and always having space for dessert. I was and still am the kid who eats not too much but probably more than I should.
So this is it, my long overdue food blog, the start of something new from the old me. I don’t know how this will survive given my appalling lack of discipline but it shall!